Research And Development
The group comprises of five group companies, all of them ISO 9001:2015 certified. All the companies are actively engaged in manufacturing and supplying of various agricultural inputs ranging from genetically superior teak saplings, organic manure, hybrid seeds, biofertilizers, biopesticides, herbal extracts, agro chemicals and plant growth rejuvenators. We are also present in the neighbouring countries like Nepal. Our headquarters are in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India and we have branch offices spread across 16 states of country. We also have a branch office in Nepal.

Opportunities and long term perspective Shanmukha Agritec Limited is second to none.
Shanmukha Agritec limited filed the patents in the field of Agriculture technology. Based on this evidence the company reserved the awarded in the field of Excellence in Research and Development. List of Patents are as mentioned below and also enclosed for your reference.
Journal No: 07/02/2014 & 06/2014
Application No: 801/CHE/2011
Journal No: 14/02/2014
Application No: 804/CHE/2011
Journal No: –
Application No: 6957/CHE/2015
Journal No: 07/02/2014 & 06/2014
Application No: 801/CHE/2011
Journal No: –
Application No: 1069/CHE/2015
Journal No: 07/02/2014 & 06/2014
Application No: 801/CHE/2011
Journal No: –
Application No: 2482/CHE/2015
Special Projects
In the Shivashakti Biotechnology R & D unit two ongoing projects are on hand as on toady in addition to the regular routine R & D activities. One is sponsored by DBT- BIRAC under SIBIRI, New Delhi, project entitled Selection and Vegetative propagation of Superior clones of Red Sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus L.) for mass multiplication and large Scale planting Sanctioned. Other one is on in vitro Isolation, identification, in vivo and in vitro studies for large scale Production of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Sustainable Agriculture.
Study of effective strains of Vesicular ArbuscularMycorrhiza on Maize :
The data on initial flowering days to 50 % tasseling and silking among different treatments of Vesicular and arbuscularmycorrhiza (VAM) on maize crop. Initial flowering / day to 50 % tasseling and silking showed that the flowering was delayed in maize crop receiving less fertilization than compared the crop applied with recommended dose fertilizer. The cob and grain yield of maize (DHM17) was significantly higher with application of VAM top dressing + RDF and was on par with VAM seed treatment + RDF, VAM top dressing + 75% RDF and RDF control plot. From the economic and soil health point of view the application of VAM top dressing + RDF can be a suitable option without any reeducation in yield significantly and statistically and also for getting higher benefit: cost ratio.
Effect of Billion 77 Tillering granules and biofertilizers on growth and yield of paddy (Oryzasativa)
The billion 77 granules (20kg/ ha) along with PFPR (2.5 kg/ha) + VAM (2.5 kg / ha) + Organic manure (375 kg / ha) and RDF (T5) significantly improved the morphological structural attributes of seed yield viz. plant height, number of tillers number of seeds per panicle, filled grains, biological yield and harvest index The application of Billion 77 (T5) significantly improved the plant height (111.93). No. of tillers per plant (8.66) number of seeds per panicles (289.00) filled grains per panicle (271.00) biological yield(123.19) and harvest index 41.10 as compared to control T7.
Effect of bio-organic products on yield and soil properties under rice-wheat and maize wheat cropping system
It has been reported that organic products, humic acid, fulvic acid, microbial consortium etc., have a potential of replacing 25-30% of chemical fertilizers under integrated nutrient management system in various crops. It is reported that these ised in combination or single with chemical fertilizers enhances soil health and nutrient turnover. To prove its potentiality in enchanting the soil health, crop yield and other beneficial effects on soils and crops, it is proposed to assess the bio efficacy of organic products manufactured by Shanmukha Agritec Limited in rice wheat system under climate conditions of the Punjab.
Evaluation of billion 77 tillering in combination with biofertilizers (VAM / PGPR) on growth and yield of Paddy
A Field experiments entitled “Evaluation of Billion 77 tillering granules in combination with biofertilizers (VAM / PGPR) on growth and yield of paddy” was conducted at Rice Research Institute Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad during Kharif 2012. The weather parameters during the crop season are as follows